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WorldOver is an online course vendor. Our courses are project-based, interdisciplinary, and embedded with social-emotional learning. We offer live K-12 core and elective classes, tutoring for individuals and small groups, and enrichment clubs.

I like how Worldover makes the classes so customizable.
WorldOver Middle School Learner
WorldOver Mission Statement

WorldOver International’s purpose is to provide an engaging and rigorous online educational program for children in grades TK-12. Common Core Standards, paired with project-based learning and interdisciplinary instruction, are the foundation for our curriculum. Facilitators identify individual students’ learning styles and emotional needs and use that information to guide students toward their academic and social-emotional goals. Students are encouraged to ask questions, search for answers, and apply their knowledge to real-life situations, honing creative thinking, self-reflection, and collaborative problem-solving skills.

Sample Courses

Here is a SAMPLE of Courses & Clubs.
The majority of the high school courses are A-G approved.